Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Change of Plans... Again

Yes, I know.  I'm as bad as a kid trying to decide what he should get for Christmas.

Looking through the list of available sailboat designs, I've once again changed my mind about my "ultimate sailboat".  I've now set my sights on the Glen-L 36 "Delphin", a central cock-pit, molded plywood design that will provide a lot more sea-worthiness than the Francis Drake (27), while not being quite so overwhelming as the Starpath (44).  Admittedly there's no way I can even consider building this vessel while I'm living in the Raleigh area (pending winning the lottery), but a guy's gotta dream.

Still have my sites set to continue work on the 7' - 10" Eight Ball (tentatively named "Drifter") effective July 16th.  But this is always subject to change, depending on the Honey-Do list.

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